Development of the Creative Industries is vital for a sustainable future

Development of the Creative Industries is vital for a sustainable future!!

Posted by Janette Searle on September 7, 2010 at 10:18am

Our children today are growing up in an ever changing world. That's old news yes. The technology and work opportunities that exist today will quite possibly be obsolete and out of date by the time a five year old just starting school will graduate.

Being flexible and creative is vital and more than ever we need to be educating with that in mind. There are a large number of experts that have devoted their career to exactly this point - like Sir Ken Robinson

But its not only the individuals that need to be developed and educated. The creative sector as a whole needs focus, dedication and development! Fortunately there are few organisations that have exactly that focus! Some focus on developing projects and opportunities with creative sector individuals and organisations in their own and other countries. Some are achieving development through finding ways for the creative industries to collaborate with other industries and sectors such as science and education.

For Australia and New Zealand one of the biggest growing markets in the world right now is on our door step - Asia. The Creative Industries Development Agency is dedicated to developing the creative industries in Asia by working with and through partners – from major foundations to SMEs and from individuals to Governments – to create economically successful communities and businesses. They do this through our innovative cultural and creative initiatives.' They have a range of initiatives acrosst the world and work in collaboration with other organisations, business and creative sector professionals.

UNESCO also have a strong focus on the development of the creative industries in particular ensuring diversity in the creative industries.

The British Council has a focus on getting the creative talents of the UK and the commonwealth out to the world through innovative, high-quality events and collaborations that link thousands of artists and cultural institutions around the world, drawing them into a closer relationship with the UK.

For over two decades ANAT has provided leadership and support to media artists pursuing collaborative and creative projects in Australia and beyond. They do this through innovative programs include immersive residencies, emerging technology labs, professional development grants, online research tools, publications, seminars and workshops. They have a focus on the collaboration of arts and science particularly in terms of technology.

Posted: Tuesday 7 September 2010


And because we like to play and muck around - check these out - just a bit of fun!