Fiesta in the Park

Fiesta in the Park

The 3rd Biennial Fiesta in the Park at Western Park in Ponsonby on the 13th of October 2013.   This years theme was CONNECT, wellbeing through connection.

In celebration of Mental Health Awareness events across the globe Fiesta in the Park welcomedSola Rosa (Sound System) to the Fiesta and are joined by old friends Jan Hellreigel, Emma Paki, SINA, Sam RB, The Desotos, Mike Chunn & Play it Strange, Gareth Edwards, Miller Yule, and Ash Graham.  Spoken word poetry by Literatti, and dance by Touch Compass.  Feasted on deliciousness from the Paella Pan, Gourmet Shuttle, Banger Boys and a little sweet from theDonut Dudes to go with your Coffee Guy coffee or Nitro Juice.

And had fun activities including yoga, clown performers ZIG n ZAG and Circus in a Flash. The Fiesta celebrated Auckland’s rich diversity and culture.

The day went brilliantly.  

you can see photos here.